As is commonly experienced, environmental issues and deficiencies in water systems are not always discovered at the most fiscally opportune time.  What’s more, many smaller public municipalities and private parties can become burdened when working to maintain human health and safety, and also stay in regulatory compliance. With this in mind, Weber, Hayes and Associates recommends and is prepared to interface with the following state funding sources.

Fuel and Chemical Release Investigation and Corrective Action Funding Sources


Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund (USTCF)

The USTCF was established as a state-wide insurance funding program to support the expedient cleanup of chemical releases from underground storage tanks.  This program draws its revenue from a relatively small tax on fuel sold within the State of California.  Link to the State Water Resources Control Board’s Website for More Information

Brownfields and Land Revitalization Grants and Funding

“EPA’s Brownfields Program provides direct funding for brownfields assessment, cleanup, revolving loans, and environmental job training. To facilitate the leveraging of public resources, EPA’s Brownfields Program collaborates with other EPA programs, other federal partners, and state agencies to identify and make available resources that can be used for brownfields activities.”  Link to the EPA’s Website for More Information

  1. Brownfields Assessment Grants:  Assessment grants provide funding for a grant recipients (single or multi-party grants ranging from $200,000 to $1,000,000) to characterize and initiate planning and community involvement related to brownfield sites.  Link to EPA Website
  2. Brownfields Cleanup Grants:  Up to $200,000 per site is available for cleaning up sites deemed to be “Brownfields”, that is former industrial or commercial properties that have been abandoned or have limited use, but likely contain limited amounts of contamination or environmental concerns inhibiting redevelopment.  In order to stimulate redevelopment of these sites, the US EPA works with the property owner to cover part of the cost of remediating the property.  Link to EPA Website
  3. Brownfields Sustainability Pilot Grants:  “The Brownfields Sustainability Pilots are an EPA effort to promote environmental sustainability at local brownfields projects. EPA is providing communities with technical assistance to help them achieve greener assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment at their brownfields. Assistance will support activities such as the reuse and recycling of construction and demolition materials, green building and infrastructure design, energy efficiency, water conservation, renewable energy development, and native landscaping.”  Link to EPA Website

Drinking Water Related Funding Sources

Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SDWSRF)

The SDWSRF provides a pathway to remedy deficiencies with public water systems, whether they be associated with health risks, compliance issues with the Safe Drinking Water Act, or outdated water systems for communities unable to raise the necessary funds to replace.  While this is a prioritized funding system, there is a large amount of funding available.  In addition, the relative ease of applying to the SDWSRF can make a little effort up-front highly worthwhile by protecting a community’s drinking water quality for future generations.  Link to California Department of Public Health Website for More Information

Drinking Water Treatment and Research Fund

Supplies funding for research and correction of fuel oxygenate contaminated drinking water, most chiefly for the former gasoline additive methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE).  Link to California Department of Public Health Website for More Information

Proposition 84, the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Act of 2006

“[…] Deals with safe drinking water supplies, including emergency and urgent funding, infrastructure improvements, and groundwater quality.  Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) program from DWR has funding available under Proposition 84 for projects that address critical drinking water supply or water quality needs for Disadvantaged Communities.   Funding is also available for Urban Water Suppliers implementing leak detection and repair and installation of water meters Best Management Practices.”Link to California Department of Public Health Website for More Information