UST Low-Threat Closure Policy

By May 17, 2012News

The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) recently adopted the Low-Threat Underground Storage Tank Case Closure Policy (Low-Threat Closure Policy), effective August 17, 2012.  The Low-Threat Closure Policy specifies that in the absence of unique attributes of a case or site-specific conditions that demonstrably increase the risk associated with residual petroleum constituents, cases that meet the eight (8) general and three (3) media-specific criteria described in the policy, are defined as being a low threat to human health, safety or the environment and are appropriate for closure pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 25296.10.

Weber, Hayes and Associates has been reviewing Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) cases for eligibility for low threat case closure since the policy’s adoption last year.  We have now closed multiple sites under this new policy and are happy to discuss its implications for your LUST site.

Low-Threat Closure Policy Watchdog Effort

Weber, Hayes and Associates was proud to support efforts to evaluate the potential impacts of the recently adopted Low-Threat UST Closure Policy.  See for comments on the policy, background information and perspectives on the future of contamination cleanup in California.