
Jered Chaney, PG

Jered Chaney, PG

President / CEO, Senior Geologist

  • University of California, Santa Cruz, B.S., Earth Science.
Graduated with highest honors in the major, college honors, and honors in undergraduate thesis work.
Continuing Education / Training
  • OSHA 1910.120: Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
  • Registered Professional Geologist, State of California License No. 8452
Representative Experience
As a Senior Geologist, Mr. Chaney leads the management and field activities for conducting a wide range of environmental investigations and remediation including soil, soil vapor, and groundwater contaminant delineation investigations, soil vapor intrusion assessments, the supervision of UST closures, remedial excavations, management of groundwater, soil vapor and indoor air monitoring programs, and hazardous materials facility closures that are in accordance with current, and applicable, Federal, State and local agency guidelines / requirements. Mr. Chaney oversees all aspects of project management, environmental investigation work scope development, regulatory correspondence, and preparation of a wide range of technical documents including Environmental Site Assessments, Contaminant Investigation Work Plans, Conceptual Site Models, Feasibility Studies, Corrective Action Plans, Environmental Impact Reports, and other technical reports documenting and interpreting data collected during all phases of subsurface environmental investigations. Mr. Chaney is also in charge of conducting hydrogeologic testing and analysis for determining groundwater source capacity and aquifer characteristics through performing and evaluating data collected during both large and small-scale aquifer pumping tests and slug tests. Mr. Chaney has conducted numerous aquifer tests in and around the Monterey Bay area.
Professional Affiliations
  • Groundwater Resources Association