▫ University of California Santa Cruz, BS., Information System Management & Economics 2007
▫ OSHA 1910.120: Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
As a Staff Scientist, Mr. Ersoy collaborates with Project Geologists and Engineers to collect and analyze field samples, complete remedial action plans, and investigate subsurface environmental conditions. Mr. Ersoy is also the sole IT support resource for all IT related operations, which includes but is not limited to desktop support, server, network, and web administrator.
Mr. Ersoy manages Phase I Environmental Site Assessments in the California Central Coast and San Francisco Bay Area regions. He has completed numerous reports for real estate agents, city officials, commercial developers, and private parties. Mr. Ersoy is well versed with the data collection, information sources, and investigative techniques necessary to produce a quality Phase I assessment.
Mr. Ersoy is well versed in the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS), an online web-based system, for the reporting of hazardous materials and operations. Mr. Ersoy provides assistance for businesses requesting compliance support within the CERS system.
Private Owner, Monterey, CA – Environmental Oversight of Phase I/II Site Assessment:
Investigated a long-term commercial gas station in Watsonville, California as a due diligence property screening for a potential buyer. Phase I investigation activities included interviewing knowledgeable parties associated with the property, reviewing unique county records, and interpreting aerial photography and historical fire insurance maps, and other types of research. Site reconnaissance included documentation of adjoining land-uses, current on-site operations, and an in-depth report on observed surface/slab conditions on the property. Results of this due-diligence project led to the elimination of liability associated with past land-use and the ability to move forward in the purchasing agreement.
Nursey Owner, Salinas, CA – CERS Assistance & Compliance Manager:
Directed, assisted, and submitted all required documents and information to the online CERS system for a large operating nursery. Specific work included site inspections and interviews to acquire the required information pertaining to hazardous materials quantities, storage, operations, safety, and spill prevention measures. Education of currently approved storage and safety operations around hazardous materials and waste was also provided. The required submittal of all documentation provided the nursery with updated compliance with the CERS system and local CUPA office.