▫ University of California Berkeley, Bachelor in Science
▫ Distribution (D2) & Treatment (T2) water system operator
▫ Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP)
Mr. Hucks leads environmental investigations throughout the California Central Coast and San Francisco Bay Area regions, with a focus on soil and groundwater assessments involving drilling, well installation/destruction, environmental sampling, regulatory correspondence, and summary reporting. He operates and maintains a number of small water systems ranging from one to fourteen connections to provide quality water to rural well users. Additional expertise includes: (1) Experience building dozens of water systems throughout the Santa Cruz Mountains; (2) knowledge and expertise in stormwater management for large and small-scale construction projects.
Harrison stays up to date with funding programs, best-available-technologies, and community needs. His greater goal is to connect people without clean drinking water to available funding and qualified professionals to create long term cost effective solutions. Mr. Hucks is dedicated to completing dead-line driven projects with content that is readily accessible to readers, clients, and regulators.
State Funded water system projects [2017 to present]
Camp Loma Mar YMCA, Loma Mar, CA | [YMCA] – DWSRF water treatment system upgrades:
– Lead Project Manager for funding acquisition
– Liaison between YMCA, State funding staff, engineering team, biologists, and regulators
– Provides support for many other aspects of this project
Bonny Doon School, Bonny Doon, CA | DWSRF water storage and distribution development project:
– Coordinated funding acquisition with DWSRF staff
– Project manager for environmental (biological, cultural, arboreal) aspects of project
– Provides support for many other aspects of this project
Pottery Planet, Santa Cruz, CA | LUST fund environmental assessment and remediation:
– Correspondence and reporting for on-going State funding of assessment and remediation
– Completion of environmental sampling tasks, remediation, and reporting
– Provides support for many other aspects of this project