Commercial Property, Santa Cruz, CA – Leaking Fuel UST Closure, Site Assessment and Remediation

Weber, Hayes and Associates was retained to complete the permitted closure of an abandoned gasoline underground storage tank (UST).  Upon UST removal it was discovered that the UST had leaked fuel to the subsurface. Work tasks completed following the release discovery included:

  • Assisting the responsible party with a State UST Cleanup Fund grant application which resulted in a $1.5M grant award for site assessment and remediation.
  • Correspondence and close coordination with Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board staff (lead agency) for all site assessment and remediation tasks.
  • Complete characterization of chemical impacts to all affected media (i.e., soil, soil vapor, groundwater, and surface water) via soil borings, monitoring wells and geologic outcrop reconnaissance along a nearby stream course.
  • Contaminated soil source removal via large diameter augers and off-site disposal.
  • In-situ subsurface injection of ~26,000 lbs of a chemical oxidant reagent for hydrocarbon concentration reduction.
  • Design and completion of a successful soil vapor extraction (SVE) and air sparge (AS) pilot test and preparation a full-scale SVE / AS Remedial Action Plan.