Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SDWSRF) – Applications Update

By March 14, 2014News

The Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SDWSRF) accepts applications through the Universal PreApplication Process.  As of 2014, the SDWSRF is now accepting applications through the Univesal PreApplication Process continuously.

Weber, Hayes and Associates has successfully assisted schools and other public institutions in their application process to the SDWSRF.  This is a great means to remedy longstanding water quality issues for party’s strapped for the necessary resources.

This funding mechanism provides a pathway to remedy deficiencies with public water systems, whether they be associated with health risks, compliance issues with the Safe Drinking Water Act, or outdated water systems for communities unable to raise the necessary funds to replace.  While this is a prioritized funding system, there is a large amount of funding available.  In addition, the relative ease of applying to the SDWSRF can make a little effort up-front highly worthwhile by protecting a community’s drinking water quality for future generations.

For Fall 2013 through 2014, the following deadlines have been posted for SRF projects that were “invited” in Fall 2013 (Ranks A-H):

Planning Applications are due by March 24, 2014 and Construction Applications are due by June 23, 2014.Click on the link below for information and to download the application package.

For more information on the SDWSRF, please see the California Department of Public Health’s website.

For a cost-effectiveness analysis tool for funding sources, please see the EPA’s Financing Alternatives Comparison Tool (FACT)